Writing is everywhere

Everything is writing

Human, all too human

An artefact?

The non-human dimension of writing

  • Inhuman Trace
  • Inhuman Sign
  • Entrails

Christin, Anne-Marie. « Les origines de l’écriture: Image, signe, trace ». Le Débat 106, nᵒ 4 (1999): 28. https://doi.org/10.3917/deba.106.0028.


Inhuman, posthuman, prehuman

Interpretation and humanity?

  • zoosemiotics Sebeok, Thomas A. « Zoosemiotics ». American Speech 43, nᵒ 2 (1968): 142‑44. https://doi.org/10.2307/454548.
  • meaning as a dynamic production Paveau, Marie-Anne. « Réalité et discursivité. D’autres dimensions pour la théorie du discours ». Semen - Revue de sémio-linguistique des textes et discours, nᵒ 34 (2012): 95‑115.

Posthuman studies

Posthuman studies

My posthumanist account calls into question the givenness of the differential categories of human and nonhuman, examining the practices through which these differential boundaries are stabilized and destabilized. Barad, Karen. 2007. Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Second Printing edition. Durham: Duke University Press Books.

Digital writing as Prehuman writing

  • inhuman inscriptions, inhuman meaning
  • before the concept of “human”

Writing, texts and spaces


any material inscriptions


a set of organised material inscriptions. a series of relationships between indipendent scriptural elements


dynamic organization of scriptural elements

Digital humanities

As digital humanist we question the production and the organization of space