A short history

A particular context

  • French notion of édition
  • Bridging an old tradition with new practices
  • Publishing in digital environments
  • Many theories focusing on the “support” (Jeanneret, Souchier, Bachimont, Zacklad)

A strange appearence

  • Brigitte Guyot 2004?
  • Bruno Bachimont (2007):

The goal is no longer to find documents but to produce new ones using available resources. One thus moves away from indexing for research in favor of indexing for publication. Since the latter is carried out according to certain standards and norms, editorialization enables indexed segments to be enlisted in the editorial process for new publications.

Bruno Bachimont, « Nouvelles tendances applicatives : de l’indexation à l’éditorialisation », inL’indexation multimédia, Paris, Hermès, 2007, Online

The institutionalization of the term

  • 2008: the workshop on editorialization (Anne-Laure Brisac, Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Gérard Wormser, MSH Paris-Nord)

the concept of editorialization may be characterized by : the articulation of content production, technical and communicative factors, and the dynamics of contemporary exchanges in the humanities.

Wormser, Vitali-Rosati, Presentation of the Lab Interdisciplinary practices and the circulation of knowledge : towards an editorialization of Human and social sciences, MSH Paris-Nord, 2008

First narrow definition

Editorialization may be defined as a set of technical devices (networks, servers, platforms, CMS, algorithms of search engines), structures (hypertext, multimedia, metadata), practices (annotation, comments, recommendations via social networks) that can produce and organize content on the web

Vitali-Rosati, Marcello. « Les revues littéraires en ligne : entre éditorialisation et réseaux d’intelligences ». Études françaises 50, nᵒ 3 (2014): 87.

Characteristic 1: open

  • multiplicity of actors
  • multiplicity of intentions

Contents and objects are merged

There is no more difference between contents and things

a function organising relationships between objects on the web

Vitali-Rosati, Marcello. « Auteur ou acteur du web ? » Implications philosophiques, 10 juillet 2012. https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/handle/1866/12980.

Characteristic 2. Ontology

  • architecture of Being
  • merging knowledge and Being

2016 definition

Editorialization is the set of dynamics that produce and structure digital space. These dynamics can be understood as the interactions of individual and collective actions within a particular digital environment.

Vitali-Rosati, Marcello. Qu’est-ce que l’éditorialisation?, Sens public 2016

Who is the subject of editorialization?

  • “individual actions”?
  • “digital environment”?

A new definition

Editorialization is the set of dynamics that constitute digital space and that allow the emergence of meaning. These dynamics are the result of different forces and actions that subsequently determine the appearance and the identification of particular objects (people, communities, algorithms, platforms …) Marcello Vitali-Rosati, _Toward a prehuman thinking: Digital humanities, editorialization and metaontology, Amodern, forthcoming

Editorialization: what for?

Questioning the space

How can we produce public spaces?

  • Publishing sphere
  • Journals as public spaces
  • Transcan16

Questioning who we are

  • Dynamics producing spaces and relationships and then:
    • Formats
    • Protocols
    • Environments
    • Algorithms
    • Cultural values
    • People
    • Communities


  1. Concretely, in digital environments, these dynamics are part of the logic of the model. The interpretative model first, then the functional and finally the physical model [@meunier_humanites_2014] are categorizations of concrete, registered and material modes of access to the world.