Being human today

Digital humanities

  • Questioning the relationship between human and machine.
  • Questioning the relationship between matter and meaning
  • Questioning the relationship between meaning and syntax

Posthuman studies

My posthumanist account calls into question the givenness of the differential categories of human and nonhuman, examining the practices through which these differential boundaries are stabilized and destabilized. Barad, Karen. 2007. Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Second Printing edition. Durham: Duke University Press Books.

Matter and meaning

Plotinus and Porphiry

I myself, Porphyry of Tyre, was one of Plotinus’ very closest friends, and it was to me he entrusted the task of revising his writings. Such revision was necessary: Plotinus could not bear to go back on his work even for one re-reading; and indeed the condition of his sight would scarcely allow it: his handwriting was slovenly; he misjoined his words; he cared nothing about spelling; his one concern was for the idea: in these habits, to our general surprise, he remained unchanged to the very end. He used to work out his design mentally from first to last: when he came to set down his ideas, he wrote out at one jet all he had stored in mind as though he were copying from a book. Interrupted, perhaps, by someone entering on business, he never lost hold of his plan; he was able to meet all the demands of the conversation and still keep his own train of thought clearly before him; when he was fee again, he never looked over what he had previously written–his sight, it has been mentioned, did not allow of such re-reading–but he linked on what was to follow as if no distraction had occurred.

Women and computers

Deconstructing Plato?

  • Jacques Derrida, « La pharmacie de Platon », Tel Quel, nᵒ 32,33 (1968).

New materialisms and Karen Barad

Double slit

Thomas Young, 1801: is the light a wave or a set of particles?

Bohr argued that if we were to perform a two-slit experiment with a which-path device (which can be used to determine which slit each electron goes through on its way to the detecting screen), we would find that the interference pattern is destroyed. That is, if a measurement is made that identifies the electron as a particle, as is the case when we use a which-path detector, then the result will be a particle pattern, not the wave pattern that results when the original unmodified two-slit apparatus is used. Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe halfway, p. 103

Concepts are specific physical arrangements

Bohr’s argument for the indeterminable nature of measurement interactions is based on his insight that concepts are defined by the circumstances required for their measurement. That is, theoretical concepts are not ideational in character; they are specific physical arrangements. Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe halfway, p. 109

Matter matters


A particular context

  • French notion of édition
  • Bridging an old tradition with new practices
  • Publishing in digital environments
  • Many theories focusing on the “support” (Jeanneret, Souchier, Bachimont, Zacklad)

First narrow definition

Editorialization may be defined as a set of technical devices (networks, servers, platforms, CMS, algorithms of search engines), structures (hypertext, multimedia, metadata), practices (annotation, comments, recommendations via social networks) that can produce and organize content on the web

Vitali-Rosati, Marcello. « Les revues littéraires en ligne : entre éditorialisation et réseaux d’intelligences ». Études françaises 50, nᵒ 3 (2014): 87.

Characteristic 1: open

  • multiplicity of actors
  • multiplicity of intentions

Content and objects are merged

There is no more difference between content and things

a function organising relationships between objects on the web

Vitali-Rosati, Marcello. « Auteur ou acteur du web ? » Implications philosophiques, 10 juillet 2012.

Characteristic 2. Ontology

  • architecture of Being
  • merging knowledge and Being

2016 definition

Editorialization is the set of dynamics that produce and structure digital space. These dynamics can be understood as the interactions of individual and collective actions within a particular digital environment.

Vitali-Rosati, Marcello. Qu’est-ce que l’éditorialisation?, Sens public 2016

Who is the subject of editorialization?

  • “individual actions”?
  • “digital environment”?

A new definition

Editorialization is the set of dynamics that constitute digital space and that allow the emergence of meaning. These dynamics are the result of different forces and actions that subsequently determine the appearance and the identification of particular objects (people, communities, algorithms, platforms …) Marcello Vitali-Rosati, _Toward a prehuman thinking: Digital humanities, editorialization and metaontology, Amodern, forthcoming

Editorialization: what for?

Questioning the space

  • Who makes the space we inhabit?
  • Immaterial? Neutral?
  • The fonctional imperative

How can we produce public spaces?

  • Dysfunctional tools
  • Multiple environments
  • Tinkerers!
  • Publishing sphere
  • Journals as public spaces

A humanist is a tinkerer

  • Matter matters
  • Multiplicity of wordviews
  • Dysfonctionality

Cultivate our garden

“All that is very well,” answered Candide, “but let us cultivate our garden.” Voltaire, Candide

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