Leurs outils « informent » leur pensée, et « sans la formater »

L’impossibilité de l’abstraction

Il n’y a pas de pensée abstraite

Les concepts sont des arrangement physiques spécifiques

Bohr’s argument for the indeterminable nature of measurement interactions is based on his insight that concepts are defined by the circumstances required for their measurement. That is, theoretical concepts are not ideational in character; they are specific physical arrangements. Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe halfway, p. 109

Est-ce qu’un Arbre de la syntaxe abstraite (AST) est abstrait?

L’AST de Pandoc

[input format] ==reader==> [Pandoc AST] ==writer==> [output format]

Toucher l’abstraction

 marcello@eleuthero: echo -e "---\ntitle: Libres écritures\n---\n## Introduction\n Voici ma belle intro^[Et une note]" | pandoc -s -t native
    { unMeta =
          [ ( "title"
            , MetaInlines [ Str "Libres" , Space , Str "\233critures" ]
  [ Header
      2 ( "introduction" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Introduction" ]
  , Para
      [ Str "Voici"
      , Space
      , Str "ma"
      , Space
      , Str "belle"
      , Space
      , Str "intro"
      , Note
          [ Para [ Str "Et" , Space , Str "une" , Space , Str "note" ]

yaml, md bibtex…

… et citeproc…

marcello@eleuthero: echo -e "---\ntitle: Libres écritures\nbibliography: bib.bib\n---\n## Introduction\n Voici ma belle intro^[Je cite @merzeau_profil_2016]" | pandoc -s --citeproc -t native
    { unMeta =
          [ ( "bibliography" , MetaInlines [ Str "bib.bib" ] )
          , ( "title"
            , MetaInlines [ Str "Libres" , Space , Str "\233critures" ]
  [ Header
      2 ( "introduction" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Introduction" ]
  , Para
      [ Str "Voici"
      , Space
      , Str "ma"
      , Space
      , Str "belle"
      , Space
      , Str "intro"
      , Note
          [ Para
              [ Str "Je"
              , Space
              , Str "cite"
              , Space
              , Cite
                  [ Citation
                      { citationId = "merzeau_profil_2016"
                      , citationPrefix = []
                      , citationSuffix = []
                      , citationMode = AuthorInText
                      , citationNoteNum = 1
                      , citationHash = 0
                  [ Str "Merzeau" , Space , Str "(2016)" ]
  , Div
      ( "refs"
      , [ "references" , "csl-bib-body" , "hanging-indent" ]
      , []
      [ Div
          ( "ref-merzeau_profil_2016" , [ "csl-entry" ] , [] )
          [ Para
              [ Str "Merzeau,"
              , Space
              , Str "Louise."
              , Space
              , Str "2016."
              , Space
              , Span
                  ( "" , [] , [] )
                  [ Str "\8220"
                  , Str "Le"
                  , Space
                  , Str "Profil"
                  , Space
                  , Str ":"
                  , Space
                  , Str "Une"
                  , Space
                  , Str "Rh\233torique"
                  , Space
                  , Str "Dispositive"
                  , Str "."
                  , Str "\8221"
              , Space
              , Emph
                  [ Str "Itin\233raires."
                  , Space
                  , Str "Litt\233rature,"
                  , Space
                  , Str "Textes,"
                  , Space
                  , Str "Cultures"
              , Str ","
              , Space
              , Str "no."
              , Space
              , Str "2015-3"
              , Space
              , Str "(June)."
              , Space
              , Link
                  ( "" , [] , [] )
                  [ Str "https://doi.org/10.4000/itineraires.3056" ]
                  ( "https://doi.org/10.4000/itineraires.3056" , "" )
              , Str "."

En haskell

import Text.Pandoc
import qualified Data.Text as T
montexte = T.pack("---\ntitle: Libres écritures\n---\n## Introduction\n Voici ma belle intro^[Et une note]")
mtp = readMarkdown def montexte
runIO mtp


Les références dans l’AST Pandoc citeproc

L’impossibilité de l’universel abstrait

Et l’universalisme?

  • se fédérer?
  • fabriques de l’édition (Antoine Fauchié)
  • chaînes de traitement (Arthur Perret, Robert Alessi et beaucoup d’autres!)
  • rester conscients de la localité