Space and Transmediality:

The Transcanadian Highway as a mediating conjuncture

Servanne Monjour
Marcello Vitali-Rosati

The Transcanadian Highway project

  • CRC to the DH Conference in Calgary...
  • What is this space?
  • An empty space vs. a digital space?
  • The relationship between digital and "non-digital" space
  • The role of literature
  • Intertextualities (Cortazar, Dunlop, Savelli Ménard...)

On the road...

  • We are facing a transmedial object
    • Maps (digital and non-digital)
    • Narratives (literary, historical, private, touristic...)
    • Visuals (pictures, images, videos...)
    • Writings (other's and ours! on multiple supports)
    • The road (highway infrastructure)
    • People
    • Motels
    • Restaurants


Transmedia storytelling Transmediality represents a process where integral elements of of a fiction reality get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels material means of expression existence for the purpose of creating a unified multiple and coordinated experience. Ideally each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story reality.

The Transcanadian Highway as mediating conjunctures

  • There is no original
  • Maps, narratives, visulas, people, motels.. are mediated objects on the same ontological level
  • The transcanadian highway is the dynamic overlapping of all these objects
  • The transcanadian highway is some mediating conjunctures

The notion of mediating conjunctures

Dynamic interactions of forces in the very moment of the action.
They are characterizes by:

  • Moving aspect
  • Multiplicity
  • Openness
  • Performativity
  • Collectiveness

Space as mediating conjunctures

  • Space is always mediated
  • There is no actual vs. digital - or mediated - space
  • Space is the dynamic overlapping of transmedial objects

The Transcanadian Highway : an anamorphic construction

Anamorphosis as a structure to understand transmediation (or mediating conjunctures)

  • Anamorphosis = "formed back" - "formed again"
  • A dynamic interaction of different images (classical definition)
  • A dynamic interaction of different ontological layers
  • A dynamic interaction of different medias (textual, visual)
  • A distortion operation that can be read as an original and meaningful distorsion
  • A set of original distorsions (transmediations as original without referent)

The anamorphic structure of reality - how Google Street view tries to become the new architecture of space

  • Landscape is an aesthetic and a cultural construction
  • Google (Maps, street view, Earth) is drawing a new form of landscape
  • Google is an anamorphic layer of the world pretending to be the world itself
  • This anamorphic shapes appears through the failures of the software (Clément Valla, Jon Rafman)

An anamorphic writing : Postcards from Google Street view

  • If Google Street view aims to become the new architecture of space...
  • ...literature can confront this construction, creating anamorphoses

Winter is NOT coming in Canada

Canada is officialy bilingual… or schizophrenic (says Patrice Desbiens)

Thanks to Google, you can feel like a real beatnik again