
To think anew the editorial system for SSH journals

M. Vitali-Rosati, E. Château, A. Juchereau, S. Monjour, J. Tremblay-Devirieux, N. Sauret, M. Sinatra


semantic writing tool

Improving the scientific edition and publication process by putting the production of semantic markup into the hands of the academic writers themselves.
  • Multiple markup systems (mouse select, shortcuts, markdown)
  • Multiple outputs (eruditSchema xml, TEI, html, tex, pdf...)
  • Multiple publications without loosing information (CMS, Érudit, InDesign)

A new way of producing content

Author : semantic competences BUT no digital competences!

We need to create an editor which is:

  • Simpler (less options, less fonctions, simpler interface)
  • Semantic based (WYSIWYM)
  • Richer (markup, URI, multiple outputs)

The print2digital model

Authorial work Semantic2graphic
Editorial work Graphic2wellStructuredGraphic
Digital distribution wellStructuredGraphic2semantic

There is a problem here!

The print2digital model

Author work semantic competences Semantic2graphic : graphic competences
Editorial work graphic competences Graphic2wellStructuredGraphic semantic competences
Digital distribution digital competences wellStructuredGraphic2semantic semantic competences

The print2digital model


  1. Microsoft Word (without styles) : a lot of semantic information lost
  2. Styling in Word (editorial board) : a lot of time lost
  3. DTP in InDesign : a lot of time and a lot of information lost
  4. Doc (or docx) to xml : a lot of time and a lot of information lost

The problem is at the beginning of the process!