To think anew the editorial system for SSH journals

M. Vitali-Rosati, E. Château, A. Juchereau, S. Monjour, J. Tremblay-Devirieux, N. Sauret, M. Sinatra

The print2digital model

Authorial work Semantic2graphic
Editorial work Graphic2wellStructuredGraphic
Digital distribution wellStructuredGraphic2semantic

There is a problem here!

The print2digital model

Author work semantic competences Semantic2graphic graphic competences
Editorial work graphic competences Graphic2wellStructuredGraphic semantic competences
Digital distribution digital competences wellStructuredGraphic2semantic semantic competences

The print2digital model


  1. Microsoft Word (without styles) a lot of semantic information lost
  2. Styling in Word (editorial board) a lot of time lost
  3. DTP in InDesign a lot of time and a lot of information lost
  4. Doc (or docx) to xml a lot of time and a lot of information lost

The problem is at the beginning of the process!

A new way of producing content

  • Author semantic competences BUT no digital competences!

We need to create an editor which is:

  • Simpler (less options, less fonctions, simpler interface)
  • Semantic based (WYSIWYM)
  • Richer (markup, URI, multiple outputs)


  • Multiple markup systems (mouse select, shortcuts, markdown)
  • Multiple outputs (eruditSchema xml, TEI, html, tex, pdf...)
  • Multiple publications without loosing information (CMS, Érudit, InDesign)